

Since Legacy mod version 2.81 release, players can customize their HUD very easily. With in-game HUD editor you can change almost every element on the screen.

RateMyHud.com is a place where people can share, download and rate their custom HUDs.

HUD editor

The only requirement to use the HUD editor is joining an updated Legacy server (version 2.81 and above) and it's recommended to use the ET: Legacy client . The HUD editor can be found in Options > View > HUD Editor (or, alternatively: /edithud command).

If that's the first time you open it, make sure you don't work on HUD 0. You have to clone one of the default HUDs (0-3) first. The hud.dat file, which contains your HUD, is stored in your profile folder (ETL homepath).

You can read more about the HUD editor in ET: Legacy Docs .


Once you download the HUD file, paste it inside your profile folder (on Windows, it's usually in Documents/ETLegacy/legacy/profiles/). After the file is placed, in the game enter /readhuds command and set cg_althud to the number of the HUD.

There are 2 alternative methods that allow you to use someone else's HUD while keeping the existing hud.dat file:

  1. Edit your current hud.dat file. It can be opened with any text editor. The HUD is in JSON format, so you must make sure you're within the correct {} brackets.

    First, find out which number the other HUD uses, then copy the HUD of that number and paste inside your file. If any of your current HUDs already uses that number, use a different one.

    In this example, you insert a new HUD with number 5:

        "version": 2,
        "huds": [{
                "name": "",
                "number": 4,
                "components": {...}
            }, {  <--- the new HUD starts here
                "name": "",     (mind the ',')
                "number": 5,
                "components": {...}

    It's not recommended to edit the HUD file while the game is running, but if you do so, make sure to /vid_restart and /readhuds after you're done.

  2. Keep your existing hud.dat file and paste the other one next to it, but with a different name. Now you have 2 HUD files in your profile - for example: hud.dat and otherhud.dat.

    The trick is to use /readhuds, but this time, add the path of a HUD file as an argument. So, in this case: /readhuds profiles/[profile]/otherhud.dat. This way, you can have multiple HUD files and cycle between them if you want.

HUD uploading and rating

There's no limit of the HUDs you can upload, but each HUD is pending verification once it's uploaded. Make sure to check twice before you hit the Submit button! In general, it won't be possible to edit the HUD after it's uploaded (unless you want to delete it or there are some corrupted files), but you can always upload a different version and link it with the previous one.

Each HUD can be rated only once per one IP address, and you cannot change or remove your rating.


Should you have any issues, suggestions, or you want to send some feedback - don't hesitate to DM me on Discord: kajto3#0097

You can also leave a message here, make sure to include some kind of contact address if you'd like me to respond.